Registration with the United States Selective Service is required of all male citizens and permanent residents within 30 days of turning eighteen, even if you may not be eligible to serve in the military. You need to register even if you are gay, bi, or trans.
Failure to register with the Selective Service before the age of twenty-six will result in a permanent loss of eligibility for all federal Title IV education financial aid including Pell Grants, federal campus based aid programs, and the federal student loan program. Federal financial aid accounts for over 90% of the money available for education beyond high school, both for college and vocational training
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Failure to register with the Selective Service before the age of twenty-six will result in a permanent loss of eligibility for all federal Title IV education financial aid including Pell Grants, federal campus based aid programs, and the federal student loan program. Federal financial aid accounts for over 90% of the money available for education beyond high school, both for college and vocational training
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